Tag Archives: Grip
The Lupine Saga 121
“What’s following us?” “That wolf. I heard it when it was my turn last night. Late at night when you all slept he was howling. But it was more distant.” “Now that you mention it, I think I heard him … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 115
They took a couple minutes to relax their arms, and then began anew. The drunk counted down, and then they started. However it was the drunk who was surprised. His hand managed to stop two inches from defeat, even with … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 114
“Fine boy. Don’t believe me. But it’s true. Though it’s not important, is it? Ha. All right, here, take this one. Rabbit meat out here is good. Prowst is conservative about killing them, this area of Sounderthound respects that, so … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 113
The wind was cold, piercing through the thin walls of the inn. But the night’s chill was not what woke Va’il. His mind was clouded, and his vision still distracted by the dream that had suddenly ended. “Help!” Ruby said. … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 111
“Those are some pretty coins,” the human said when he reached the group. “Sir, are you all right?” Va’il asked. “Just fine, boy. I’m doing just fine. But little girl, are you sure you want to hand over such an … Continue reading