The Lupine Prince

Book one: The Lupine Prince. Full title is: Together with Silver: The Lupine Prince. (Series/Book in Series)

Start reading from scene 1 here.

The final scene of The Lupine Prince is 62, here.

What its about, the description: Meet Va’il, an optimistic half-human boy. These first three years of his story takes place in a fantastic world of many different talking species. Though he’s taunted for being of mixed heritage, his lupus and swine friends stick by him day by day as their adventures progress from back alleys to lakes to foreign cities. The Lupine Prince follows Va’il and his cohorts as they discover one secret after another about the people and world around them, create relationships, and fight off a strange enemy. All the while the adults around them plot and scheme in ways that will affect the children for the rest of their lives.

Errors do exist in the text. Fewer in Kindle versions. I’m unlikely to keep selling this however, and likely to serialize it on the blog, where errors will be corrected in that text as found. It has undergone several revisions to fix them over the years. 1 in about every 10,000 words is probably an error. Note, however, certain items will appear as errors that aren’t. Certain words are used differently in this fictional world. Certain things are referred to in different ways. Certain words you think are pronounced one way are in fact pronounced another. And certain traits that non-fiction humans and animals have on Earth are not the same as their similar counterparts on the fictional world of Fervi.

More info: This is book one of what should end up being an epic saga. It has some elements and touches of fantasy. It has action, adventure, and even some drama! Because I wanted this to be a faithful telling of the “actual” story and events that happen in the saga, it’s not as conflict driven as other fantasy. It’s still long and exciting, but it doesn’t have one main conflict. It does have a lot of smaller conflicts and an overreaching one that isn’t visible in the first book, but they aren’t apparent in the first few thousand words. Since I’m writing with a long series in mind, I wanted to start as early in the main character’s life as possible. It’s also somewhat inspired by other epic writers who cover 10, 20, even 50 years of a character’s life. It’s not about good versus evil. It starts out about one child and the life he tries living. Eventually, everything around him changes, drastically. It’s very straightforward and easy to read. There was no age group this was aimed at, as the planned saga is supposed to cover several years. However, the initial book can be categorized as Young Adult Fantasy Fiction.

Ask if there are any questions.