Tag Archives: tlc
The Lupine Saga 63
Book two, The Lupine Chevalier. It picks up immediately where The Lupine Prince left off. “You’re going to be the king of Rising.” The announcement shook Mai’ou to her core. Something in her mind finally clicked as her thoughts were … Continue reading
Working on items again
Three years since posts. Four and a half since I finished the main story of TLC (book2). Been a mix of things to do in the years since, but finally been looking at my old works. Re-watching and re-reading works … Continue reading
Errors of past work
Yes, I know it exists. And then, when little sister number two, re-reading my book that she just so happens to love, comes bounding through the hall pointing out that I had an instance of “parent’s” instead of the correct … Continue reading
An overabundance of evil characters
In writing the sequel to The Lupine Prince, I’ve been making my characters encounter quite a few bad people in succession, and it worried me for a while. I wondered why they weren’t meeting more good people. Granted, it makes … Continue reading