Tag Archives: Ruby Louise Melonscone
The Lupine Saga 99
The conversation ended and they disbanded. Va’il and Ruby explored the beach for a while, spoke a bit with the two youths, Derlik’s younger siblings, and then ate lunch. Afterwards they talked with Ofir, Elsa, and Ulin about the city … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 71
Va’il, Teena, and Ruby stood around the avian, entranced. No matter what, they hadn’t been expecting a life story. “No, no, thank you,” Va’il said. De’un simply nodded. “Va’il, it’s about time. I don’t want to be rude to you … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 68
“Button Ruby, button!” Shiroi said while her fingers moved strategically from place to place on the blue gown. “Ruby! Aren’t you ready?” a distant voice asked. “Yes, mother!” Ruby replied with a yell. She buttoned the last two buttons on … Continue reading