Tag Archives: Right of the Ruler
The Lupine Saga 90
“Oh? That is strange. What queen?” Jin asked. Shiroi’s gaze, focused on Jin, noticed a twitch in his face, a micro-expression, the slight beginnings of a smile, cut short before it could truly live. There was a slight widening of … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 58
“Jane Melonscone enters!” the herald announced. It was a normal afternoon meeting in Fidel’s throne room, however today Jane was entering through the corridor. Vacant from her place in the gallery, she had come seeking a direct audience with Fidel. … Continue reading
The Lupine Saga 55
“Ah!” Darius said, a look of surprise appearing on his normally calm face. “Him!” “Yes, you remember too, Darius? One of your first assignments in the royal guard, correct? A while after my coronation,” Fidel said with a large smile. … Continue reading